Agriculture as a source of raw materials

Agriculture as a source of raw materials: A new stream for fibre chemicals

1 Agriculture as a potential source of raw materials

Several industries have identified agriculture, and more specifically, its byproducts, as a potential source of raw materials and intermediates.

The reasons for this are multiple:

  • The market is global, with local sources of raw materials potentially located close to the main industrial areas
  • Production size in line with needs of raw materials for specialty chemicals
  • The market needs alternative sources other than petroleum and virgin agro-chemicals
  • The use of byproducts for industrial production can lead to a higher share of land for feeding purposes
2 The potential use of fatty acids

For the field of fibre chemicals, the Bozzetto team embarked on an innovative exploration, investigating the potential use of fatty acids present in the waste coming from the production of olive oil and soybean oil.

Fatty acids were chosen because:

  • They are naturally present in most plants, different in ratio and chain length
  • They can substitute both animal and palm-derived fatty acids
  • They can be easily derivatized in amides, esters, sulphonates, and phosphates using current production methods
3 The goal of working with raw materials

With our expertise in derivatization and formulation, we achieved the goal of working with these raw materials and creating a new product with a superior environmental profile.

More specifically, this is what we achieved:

  • New coning oils and new spin finishes for PP and PES filaments were developed
  • More than 80% of raw materials for these products were coming from residual oils and their derivatives
  • Biodegradability of the final product has been achieved (>80% in OECD conditions)

Derived from byproducts and boasting biodegradability, we firmly believe that this product range will play a pivotal role in the fibre and textile market’s journey towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly profile.

For more information, contact our fibre team!

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